
I’m not going to lie, this is by far the most amazing graphics I have seen for a video game…..EVER. There I said it! Click on the pics and see for yourself

These two screenshots are from the new game from Quantic Dream, Heavy Rain. Known for their movie style game making, amazing stories that engage the player from previous cult classics Fahrenheit and Omikron- The Nomad Soul this is shaping up to be another amazing hit for the studio that has developed their own Motion Capture Studio for their games.

Director David Cage- “Virtual actors, especially, are for me the most important part. I see them as the vectors of emotion; I need them to be as believable as possible in their acting performance and emotional response. Quantic Dream has massively invested over the past ten years in this aspect by acquiring a Motion Capture system internally and working very hard on facial animation and advanced rendering systems in particular.”

This is due out for the PS3 this year